Thursday, March 22, 2007

@dimensi buni

@dimensi buni
Karya: Ryina Ikhwan
Tahun terbit: 2007
Harga: RM21.90

Sebuah novel yang memaparkan hubungan antara manusia dengan bunian. Gambaran tentang alam bunian dan alam jin. Kata Ryina Ikhwan, ala mini ada tujuh dimensi, rumah dalam rumah, taman dalam taman …
Sebuah kisah misteri yang tersirat mesej murni supaya kita manusia hidup sempurna, saling membantu, tidak tamak haloba dan yang paling penting, beriman kepada Allah.

@dimensi buni
Author: Ryina Ikhwan
Year published: 2007
Price: RM21.90

Buni means the land of the unknown. Ryina Ikhwan, through her first novel tries to portray the life of the mysterious world of bunian (belief to be like elves) and how human can communicate with them. Bunian is famous in the Malay folklore but till to date, there are people still believe that they exist in certain parts of Malaysia and they are capable of “hiding” people who fell into their trap or those who accidentally entered their dimension.
If you like mystery, this is the right book for you!

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